About a year ago, when Benedict Beer Blog was just in its infancy (little one year old Benedict Beer Blog, so CUTE 😊!), our friend Matt Spitz, a former coworker and now Co-owner of Moustache Brewing Co. (with his amazing wife, Lauri) called me up to talk about doing a collaboration beer.
As we discussed what would be a good fit for both brands, we landed on the flavor profile of Dole Whip, a pineapple ice cream one can only find in a few places around the world, including Adventureland in Disney Parks, the Dole Plantation in Hawaii, and, in fact, a Poke restaurant across from Grand Central Terminal (which I didn’t find out until very recently!)
For us here at Benedict Beer Blog, Holly Kay and I went on our first vacation together at Walt Disney World, and about a year and a half later, got engaged at WDW, at Narcoossee’s Restaurant in the Grand Floridian Hotel.

Two cutiez in Diznee Whirled
Lauri once told us a story about her experience in Walt Disney World. Typically, you walk around the parks in 90+ degree heat and Disney employees (called Cast Members) shout “HAVE A MAGICAL DAY” after you, with the intonation of Snow White on cocaine. Lauri, after just arriving to run her first half marathon in the snow (in Florida? WTF?), was greeted by a Cast Member who muttered, think like Eeyore on cat tranquilizers “Have a Magical daaaaay.” Lauri said she could relate to her lack of enthusiasm.

Here’s a cute lil’ picture of Matt and Lauri from 2014. Babies!
Initially, we were talking about brewing a Kolsch with pineapple and vanilla, but life, as it does, just gets in the way, and the idea fell by the wayside until about 2 months ago, when Matt contacted us saying that he had a batch of Idaho 7 hops that were bursting with the essence of pineapple, and Rob Raffa, Head Brewer at Moustache Brewing Co. had been wanting to do a Milkshake IPA for a while, so why not bring up the Dole Whip idea again and get Benedict Beer Blog involved!
The name You Lucky People, You was picked by the wonderful Holly Kay Benedict (My Ex-Girlfriend Who I Married), as it’s the second line of the theme song to The Tiki Room, the popular singing birds attraction in Adventureland in the Disney Parks. “Welcome to my tropical hideaway / You Lucky People, You!” It was unanimous, when she said that name, we all loved it.
Schedules worked out perfectly this time, so I headed out to the brewery in Riverhead with Brad Gesaman (@itsbradco on Instagram, go check out his adventures!) homebrewer and friend of the Blog. You know Brad? He’s great!
As the traffic getting out of NYC is about as fun as being swallowed whole by a 23 Foot Long Reticulated Python 🐍 and being shat out the other end, we ended up in Riverhead a bit later than we wanted, so we missed Mash In (when they put all the grains into the mash tun with water and steep them to extract all the sugary goodness from them).
Brad and I got to spend time with Matt, Lauri, and Rob during the lautering process, where the mash is separated into the liquid wort and leftover grain. This is when I got to have fun and add the 55lb bag of lactose, which gives Milkshake IPAs their signature creamy mouthfeel. Haha, mouthfeel.
Speaking of Mouthfeel…
After a lovely lunch of fried chicken and sides (brain food) and after the beer was brought to a boil, it was time to add the aforementioned Idaho 7 hops. I’ve said it before on the blog, but I’d live in a house made of hops. They smell like tropical fruit (dominantly pineapple, but also a bit of grapefruit and tangerine) and a bit grassy and earthy. Yum.

Hops on Hops on Hops. Also, a patchy beard.
Now for the real work, we began mashing out. That’s where you take all the leftover grain, also called spent grain, and remove it from the tank so you can clean it and have it ready for your next batch of beer. Moustache sends their spent grain to local farms to use as feed…

This is what the inside of a mash tun looks like after nearly finishing mashing out. Also Spitzy’s head and face are looking sexy AF…
It’s necessary to spit shine the Mash Tun once all the grain has been removed.
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. Having a brewery is good for the neighborhood! They’re also surrounded by farmland out in Riverhead, so the farms are happy to have the grains! You know the old phrase, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rdrink Rcraft Rbeer.
The beer is then transferred from the boil kettle to the fermenter, where the yeast, vanilla Beans and 210lbs of pineapple purée are added, and allowed to sit for as long as is needed for all the sugar to be fermented out (the yeast eats the sugar, converts it into alcohol and farts out carbon dioxide, basically). The beer is also dry hopped with EVEN MORE Idaho 7 and Mosaic hops.

Collab friendz!

Is that how a smash cut works? Also, these can labels are fire emoji and were designed by the unlimitedly talented Lauri Spitz.
Release day was great. I brought my dear friend Ryan Keogh (you can read about him in one of my first ever blog posts HERE), we met my Mom for lunch after our drive out to Riverhead from NYC (this time with less traffic!). Moustache opened at 3pm, and they had a decent sized crowd by about 3:15. I thought about asking for selfies with the first two dudes who came in and bought 4 packs, but figured they wouldn’t want to be accosted by some redhead wearing a pineapple hat.
I got my first taste of the beer, and it exceeded my expectations. Loads of pineapple on the nose, but the beer is so damn balanced, and dangerously drinkable. It’s sweet without being cloying (go watch that video of me adding the lactose again 🤗), creamy, with notes of pineapple and citrus, and right as you swallow, the vanilla hits, and it’s just like that sweet Dole Whip treat we all know and love. I couldn’t have been happier.
It also definitely helped that Lauri created a Tiki Music playlist to blast through the Taproom for the evening!
I met some great people throughout the evening, thanks to Sofia from Beer Fit Club and Katarina from Lineup Brewing for stopping by, and got to see some old friends from the Long Island Beer and Malt Enthusiasts, Andrew and Kathy.

The blurb on the back of the can! Oh man this would be so meta if this can brought you here and now you’re reading the can again OH MY GOD.

Matt and Lauri dressed the part for the release party!

A sweaty mess and Ryan

Mattitaco brought their food truck to the party as well, and even created a Chorizo and potato taco to pair with You Lucky People, You! So I had to!

The crew after a successful release!
Thanks to all who came out to taste the beer, there are still cans left at the brewery, at beer stores around Long Island, and at Covenhoven in Brooklyn, and The Baroness Bar in Long Island City.
Make sure to go follow @moustachebrewing and @benedictbeerblog over on Instagram to stay tuned to our latest antics and Moustache can and bottle releases.
Until next time…